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2023-11-8 11:19
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Granada, 1278. At the foot of the Sierra Nevada mountains, one of the most exciting and interesting projects of the Spanish Middle Ages begins: the construction of the ALHAMBRA.


The Red Palace is a standalone game set in the Alhambra Universe that brings a new dimension of challenge and choices to the familiar game play of Alhambra:

- With buildings (3D wooden buildings) and wall tiles now seperated, there are now endless combinations available to explore. 

- The new mechanic: The guards of Alhambra are now an integral part of the core game play and make choosing and constructing buildings more exciting and introduce new powerful extra actions that might bring you closer to victory!


Your goal is to construct your Alhambra in such a way that you have a long outer wall to protect your buildings. When interim scoring takes place, three times during the game, you gain points for each different building type, depending on how many of that type you have and points for your longest outer wall.

Buildings you can build are displayed on the building market. Unlike Alhambra, the buildings are not printed on the tiles, but instead you draw a tile and then draw a chip that tells you which of the wooden buildings is placed onto the tile. That means there are now endless combinations of buildings, walls and cost!

In addition to the new building market, The Red Palace introduces a completely new game mechanic that is woven into the core game play: The guards of the Alhambra.

When buying a tile you check for guard icons on the walls, and place one guard on each icon. The guards do two things:

1. Guards standing on your longest wall give you bonus points during scoring.

2. They can be discarded to do powerful extra actions during your turn.

1. Bonus points

When scoring, players gain points for each guard on their longest wall. The amount of points each guard gives depends on how many guards were already used for extra actions. The more guards have been used, the more points you get during scoring! 

2. Extra actions

During your turn you can discard guards in order to do a powerful extra action that can give you a big advantage. There are 4 different actions each game to choose from. The action is more powerful the more guards you have to discard for it.

While in every game there are 4 extra guard actions available, we've included more of these actions, so that each game you draw 4 of them and have a different combination each time. That keeps the games fresh and gives new tactical decisions every game. 


The game ends when the building market can no longer be replenished from the building tile supply, and there is a final scoring, whereupon the player with the highest score wins. 

For more information on Alahmbra the base game and how it is played check out these videos:

The Red Palace Expansions

The Kickstarter Edition of The Red Palace comes with 3 expansions that all feature a new wooden building to make your Alhambra look even more beautiful!


1. The Camps


The camps are a new type of building that can be purchased from the building market, once it is drawn from the tower. Your goal is to put them in such a way that many other buildings are connected to the camps in a straight line. During scoring you gain bonus points for each building connected in a straight line to one of your camps.


2. Bazaars

The bazaars are a new type of building that you want to position in your Alhambra in such a way that you can build a lot of buildings sourrounding it. Each bazaar shows three builing types, that if built next to it, give you bonus points during scoring.


3. Medina

The Medina is an intersting type of building in the sense that you only need it, to not loose points during scoring. The trick is to have more medina buildings than the other players, so that they loose the points and not you!

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