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2020-2-27 ¿ÀÈÄ 12:03
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Public Market is a tile drafting and tile-laying game set in the Pacific Northwest. Players will venture out on to the open waters of the Pacific, haul in fresh fish (represented as polyominoes), and carefully pack the fish into an ice chest (ideally around the crabs and ice cubes already present). Once the player feels comfortable with the amount of fish in their ice chest, they head to the market to fulfill contracts to outsell their competition and build their reputation up with the local canneries. 

Designed by the team Flatout Games (designers of Point Salad and publisher of Calico) and with stunning art by Beth Sobel, Public Market is a wonderful mix of bidding, tile placement, set collection, and engine building. Jump aboard your vessel and head out on the cool crisp waters to find your adventure.


Click for Written Review

In Public Market, players will take fishing actions to draft fish tiles to place into their ice chest with a goal of selling your haul to local restaurants and to public companies. When at the market, players will have a chance to score by fulfilling public contracts or delivering fish to small local restaurants to gain bonuses.

The game is played over a series of rounds based on the number of fish tiles in the Ocean Bag. Players will open the round by bidding for turn order. Once bidding is complete, players will take one of two actions. Players will either go Fishing or go to the Market.



Each round players will spend money to bid. There are 5 locations for bidding. There are no lockouts and you can bid to the same location as another player, however, if you go there after they do you must pay them a $1 fee if you wish to jump in front of them. Otherwise, you would pay the normal amount and you would go after they do in turn order.

 The Scrap Fish tile must be placed by the end of your turn. Below is the market board and this is where you will place your player token to control the turn order and action selection.


Players will Fish a tile from the Ocean Grid in Turn Order. Players will fish under the Boat and place the tile they drafted plus the scrap they got from the Bidding action.

Ice Chest

 Once the player has placed the Scrap tile and the Fish tile into their Ice Chest they will need to adjust the Catch Tracker so so the current level of each type of fish in their Ice Chest.


When players go to market they will sell the fish they have to fulfill Public Contracts or complete smaller orders for local restaurants called Today's Catch! When these contracts or orders are completed the player will be able to score and gain special bonuses.

Contract Cards

Today's Catch Blue

 Today's Catch Red

 After you are all done completing Public Contracts and Today's Catch Cards you will sell off remaining fish at Market Value and check to see if you have completed the Crab Bonus by surrounding the Crab icon in the Ice Chest. The Market value of the fish is shown at the bottom of the Player Board.

The final step is to check the bonus payout by looking at the columns and rows on in your Ice Chest. players receive a payout of $3 dollars for each completed row OR Column. The player will need to choose the columns or the rows whichever gives them a higher payout. The player will return scraps, discard the fish tiles, and get a new Ice Chest.


After each player has taken their action, players will Repopulate the Ocean Grid with fish tiles from the Ocean Bag. When the bag is empty it triggers the end of the game. The number of tiles in the bag is based on the player count.


At the end of the round, the last person to take their action will set the boat for the next round. This will tell all players which tiles will be available in the fish phase.




 Like many other publishers, we will be charging shipping after the Kickstarter concludes based on the actual costs incurred to ship. We will collect this via our pledge manager after the campaign ends. This is so we can be fair to you all since final shipping sizes are unpredictable with a growing campaign. Plus this gives more room for us to add in features and items through stretch goals.

After manufacturing, we'll ship your rewards at our cost to our international hubs. This means we are paying the cost for the VAT or Value Added Tax for you. The following is a rough estimate for shipping a standard game package (approx. 4kg volumetric weight). Keep in mind these are just estimates, and costs may rise based on weight increases from unlocked stretch goals and any add-ons you choose.

Unfortunately, different import laws and customs from some specific countries have made it impossible for our shipping/fulfillment partner to ship to  Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan. Due to that, we will not ship to these areas.


Please note - if you have not confirmed and completed your pledge through Pledge Manager within six months of the start of fulfillment, you may be subject to additional charges as shipping rates can change. Also, your games would be shipped outside of our original shipment and you may be responsible for additional taxes. Limited items may no longer be available after that time.

Talon Strikes works hard to ship all games to all backers! please note that we will ship to the current address on file. If your game is returned, you may be responsible to bear some of the cost to resend the game. 

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