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2019-5-28 ¿ÀÈÄ 2:35
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A new day begins... Outside is an outgoing conflict and sniper bullets for us. We cannot leave the safety of our shelter, but there are improvements to be made. We should make this place feel more like home, we can use beds, a stove, or even a radio.

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Over the past week, the intense shelling and raging fires have blackened the sky with smoke and dust. We barely see the sun anymore. It’s so hard to tell the difference between day and night that we learned to differentiate shades of gray. This change freed us from the threat posed by snipers, but it also opened the streets to looters. Will the sun return when the war ends?

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A moan cuts through the silence of the night. There’s a woman who’s half sitting up, half lying down by the wall. She looks like she has a terrible fever. She’s babbling nonsensically and sweating profusely from her forehead

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Before nightfall, we must decide who will stay in the shelter to regain strength or guard the door, and who will venture into the ruined city. We can only hope to scavenge some food, meds, and other necessary materials.

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I turn it with my last bit of strength – and then freeze in place. The rotting corpse of a slight woman is sitting in front of me. Her face is petrifed in an expression of pain. Why did she climb down here? Was she running away? Was she looking for shelter? In any respect, she remained here forever, and an emaciated mutt is gnawing on her hand.

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