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[KICKS] CARACAS - ij½ºÄ³µð¾Æ ºñ½ÁÇØ º¸ÀÌ´Â °ÔÀÓ

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2024-7-17 ¿ÀÀü 12:02
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CARACAS by Corné van Moorsel — Kickstarter





In 1799, Alexander von Humboldt traveled from Spain to South America. From Caracas, the naturalist undertook his first major expedition to document the South American landscape.
In this game the players try to make the best expedition map.

Above you see the MARKET board in the middle, and a SEA per player. In the 4 columns (symbols) at each SEA are tiles with Jungle/Savannah/Swamp and Rivers, with Common and Rare animals. The next tile per player is above their SEA.

MARKET board in the middle, 1 SEA per player, mix all tiles and place 4 face-up.
10 seconds from box to start.

Each turn has only one rule, which combines 2 choices into 1 choice:
Place your stored tile in one of your 4 columns (4 symbols) and take the corresponding(!) tile from the market board (from the same symbol).
(You store your new tile, to place it in a column next turn.)

  • STEP 1: Place your stored tile at a symbol (column).
  • STEP 2: Take and store the market tile from the same(!) symbol.
  • STEP 3: Refill the empty market spot by a tile from the stock.

So you already know your next tile while other players have their turn.
But the column where you place that tile, determines your new next tile. And you aren't certain which column leads to which new tile, because the market tiles change partly before it's your turn again.
This rule leads to a special experience. It makes the game fast, makes that you don't have the feeling that you are waiting for your turn, and avoids "hate drafting".

The 4 symbols at the MARKET correspond to the players' SEA symbols. (SEAs have 2 sides, you use the side that fits to the MARKET symbols for your side of the table.)

You score victory points (vp) for your common animals, rare animals, and landscape.

A Jaguar gives you 1 vp if solitaire, a Capybara if in your biggest group, a Howler Monkey if in your smallest (!) group, a Piranha if in the river basin with your most Piranhas, and an Ibis if in a straight sequence of at least 3 Ibises.

A rare animal gives 2 vp if its special demand is fulfilled. They have an explaining picture on their tile (and are explained at page 3 of the rulebook).

5 examples of the 19 rare animals:
----- The Sotalia dolphin (at the left tile) lives in the Orinoco river basin and Caribean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. To score its 2 vp, its river must connect, through other river tiles, to the sea. (The picture shows the Sotalia "thinks about the sea".)
----- The Shrimp scores if there is no Ibis around, in the 1 to 4 adjacent tiles.
----- The Sloth scores if it's in your biggest Jungle. (The dotted lines mean that the constellation and number of tiles can be anything.)
----- The Flamingo scores if it's in a column of 5 connected tiles. (The 5 green 'V'-icons mean that it can be anywhere in the sequence.)
----- The Venomous Snake scores if it has 5 different animal species around.

-- The victory points for your biggest Jungle depend on if other players have a bigger or smaller Jungle. For example with 4 players, that brings 3/2/1/0 vp for best to worst performing player. For the most Savannahs, fewest Swamps, and most forks/mergers in 1 river basin, you too compare all players.
(During the game it's easy to see how good or bad all players fare for landscape goals.)

-- Each dead-end river (river connected to a tile side without river) costs you 1 minus point.

This example is made for the rulebook last page. You can score better. :)

SCORESHEET (8 columns, for possibly several games per sheet)
The yellow sign in the middle is for the Rare animals score, it's at the Rare animals at tiles too. (It's the the Muisca indigenous people sign for numeral 2, described by von Humboldt.)

The game box will contain an English , German , French and Dutch rulebook.
(Currently attached files can have typos or other errors.)

EUR 17,99 (von Humboldt started expeditions in 1799) isn't possible. 🙃

*CARACAS* introduction price: EUR 18,- for backers only. Yes cheap. :) Hope for a good introduction spread for this special&attractive game. Its market mechanic will set a new trend I guess.

Choose for delivery or SPIEL fair pick-up ("Antarctica") :

  • Delivery to your address:
    Delivery costs:
    -- EU: EUR 10,-
    -- Rest of the World: EUR 17,-
    (Delivery costs are lower this year compared to former years. I hope this really counts in the next months, my risk if it's higher in real.)
  • Pick-up at SPIEL:
    -- Choose "Antarctica" as delivery country.
    -- The Cwali-booth at the SPIEL fair is 5-G-110 (hall 5, near hall 4 entrance).

No added delivery costs when you add games!

The add-ons list you see after clicking at the Pledge Level.

Only the below items are available:

  • extra *CARACAS*: € 18 per game
  • *CHATUCHAK*: € 20
  • *COMBINATIONS*: € 25
  • *EXHIBITION*: € 20
  • *ROLLTOTHETOP* expansion *SPECIALS pack*: € 5
  • *ROLLTOTHETOP* expansion *EXPAND THE MATH*: € 4
  • *ROLLTOTHETOP* expansion *DUEL*: € 3
  • *HABITATS* (3rd edition): € 25
  • *HABITATS* expansion *XL*: € 5
  • *HABITATS* expansion *DOUBLES*: € 5
  • *SUN,SEA&SAND*: € 22 (only 5 in stock)
  • *CHAMPIONS*: € 18
  • *MONDRIAAN*: € 9
  • *MAYDAY!MAYDAY!*: € 8
  • *MAYDAY!MAYDAY!* expansion *9th/10th PLAYER*: € 4
  • *SUMMY*: € 25
  • *BEASTY BORDERS*: € 15 (only with SPIEL pick-up)





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