쿵 ټ° ıԴϴ^^
ȳϼ. 츮 ؿ信 ŴԴϴ.
̳ ϰ? ٵ ౸ ̳.... Դٰ ܱ Isaac ̼ Ͽϴ. K, Sam Kim, Chris.
ܱģ ־, ѱ ϰ(?) ÷ϰ ߴµ ֱ ϰʹ
ܱ մϴ~ ° ϱ ؼ .
( ָ ʿ....)
ù°δ ָ Ͽϴ. ָ ټ° ÷̳. Խ 3°Դϴ~(5° ÷մϴ~)
1 ڴ ɰ...
1.ָ + ʽ
3 Ȯϰ Ӽӵ öϴ. ϸ ε н ġ ־
ũ ڶ, Ƽ....., ̴ ſ Ծ.... ´ٴ° ÷̿ ϴٺ...
ù ̹ Ȳ.
ù ʹ 带 ߽ϴ. Ҿ!! Ĺ ũ ºοµ, Ѵ ī带 ̿ Ưڿ , ī ȵǴ Ȳ ͼ عȳ Ф ... ī ջ 1̿µ....
ؼ? µ , ؾŸ ε(̳ Ư ..) ̰ ÷̴ ƴѰ .
ð ɷ ÷̿ ϴ غ߰ڽϴ. ( 2ð 30ó ݹ ư.... )
̴ Դϴ. ī忡 پ ̿ ڰ ִµ ̴ ī ɼ ˴ϴ. ī ɼ پϴ ÷ ϱ ѹ ÷̸ غ ڴ. 긶 ִ üϴ !!!
̹ (?) K 1 Ÿ Ǿϴ...н. Í..... ̰ λ λ ٴ̶....Ф
3. ٴ - ߸.. ƴ. ߸ - ٴٸ ÷Ͽϴ.
óϽô K K 3 Ϸ ũ .
K õõ ϰ ϰ ٷ ӿ ϴ(5 )
ص K ݹ Ͻð Ѿƿô.
.. õ Ż... Ż ϴ ܿ ٵ ҽϴ. (Դϴ.)
1, ũ 2, ̰ 3.
÷ Ƚ .... ºΰ Ǿ. ̳ ũ 3 2/2/2 ġٰ ȫȣ.. ƴ ũ Ǿϴ.
1 2 . 2ְ Ұӵ Ʈغ غ ڽϴ.
̳. ټ ִ ӵ ־?
ִ ߿ +÷Ÿ + ο ϴ ̷Գ.
̾ / 귡 : Ŀ& / Ʈ ǰڳ.
2ְ ÷غ غ鼭 غؾ߰ڳ^^ оּż մϴ.
鼭 ָ ÷̿ ʿ ܾ غýϴ.
Engligh Korean
TR (Terraforming rating)
Generation track(round track) Ʈ
Oxygen percentage
Bonus steps ʽ
Placement bonuses ʽ
Ocean-reserved areas ؾ
Special reserved areas Ư
Ocean tile ؾ Ÿ
Greenery tile Ÿ
City tile Ÿ
Special tile Ư Ÿ
Bronze cube ť
Silver cube ť
Gold cube ݻ ť
First player marker Ŀ
Production of ~ ~
Steel ö
Titanium ƼŸ
Plants Ĺ
Corporation card ī
Immediate effects ȿ
resource ڿ
Player order phase ܰ
Research phase ܰ
Action phase ൿ ܰ
Production phase ܰ
Place the card ī带
Standard Projects Ϲ Ʈ
Patents Ư
Power plant
Asteroid ༺ 浹
Aquifer ϼ
City Ǽ
Claim a milestone
Builder డ
Fund an award
Landload ô
Scientist б
Convert plants into greenery Ĺڿ ȭ
Convert heat into temperature ڿ ³ȭ
Isaac’s 10 sentence
[1].Choose 1 corporation.
[2].What is your corporation's ability?
[3].Wow. This coportation is really hard to play as.
[4].I will buy this card.
[5].This card gives me….
[6].I will spend 8 energy to raise the temperature.
[7].I will spend 8 resources to buy some water.
[8].Let's team up and attack (name).
[9](name) is earning so much (resource name)
[10]I don't like the cards I have to choose from.