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¸¶¸£ÄÚ Æú·Î: »õ·Î¿î ij¸¯ÅÍµé   ( Marco Polo: The New Characters )  
´Ù¼¸ ¹ÝÁöÀÇ Àü¼³: Ä«µå°ÔÀÓ - ±¹È­ÀÇ ¿ÕÁ   ( Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game – The Chrysanthemum Throne )  
´Ù¼¸ ¹ÝÁöÀÇ Àü¼³: Ä«µå°ÔÀÓ - ±Ý´ÜÀÇ µµ½Ã·Î   ( Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game – Into the Forbidden City )  
´Ù¼¸ ¹ÝÁöÀÇ Àü¼³: Ä«µå°ÔÀÓ - ¸í¿¹¿Í ¿µ±¤À» À§ÇÏ¿©   ( Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game – For Honor and Glory )  
´Ù¼¸ ¹ÝÁöÀÇ Àü¼³: Ä«µå°ÔÀÓ - ¾Æ¸¶Å׶ó½ºÀÇ ´«¹°   ( Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game – Tears of Amaterasu )  
´Ù¼¸ ¹ÝÁöÀÇ Àü¼³: Ä«µå°ÔÀÓ - ¿î¸í¿¡´Â ºñ¹ÐÀÌ ¾ø´Ù   ( Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game – Fate Has No Secrets )  
´Ù¼¸ ¹ÝÁöÀÇ Àü¼³: Ä«µå°ÔÀÓ - Âû³ªÀÇ ¸í»ó   ( Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game – Meditations on the Ephemeral )  
Æ®·é ¾Ø Ź½Ã½º: ±Ç¼¼¿Í ¿µ±¤   ( Thurn and Taxis: Power and Glory )  
Æ®·é ¾Ø Ź½Ã½º: ¸ðµç ±æÀº ·Î¸¶·Î ÅëÇÑ´Ù   ( Thurn and Taxis: All Roads Lead to Rome )  
¿À¸¦·¹¾Ó : ŸÀÏ ¹Ì´Ï È®Àå 5   ( Orléans: Neue Ortskarten N¡Æ5 )  
¿À¸¦·¹¾Ó: ±³¿ª°ú À½¸ð   ( Orleans: Handel & Intrige )  
¿À¸¦·¹¾Ó: ŸÀÏ ¹Ì´Ï È®Àå   ( Orléans: Neue Ortskarten N¡Æ1 )  
°¶·¯¸®½ºÆ®: KS ½ºÆ®·¹Ä¡ °ñ #2   ( The Gallerist: KS Stretch Goal Pack #2 )  
¿öÅ͵öÀÇ ±ºÁÖµé: ½ºÄÃÆ÷Æ®ÀÇ ¾Ç´çµé   ( Lords of Waterdeep: Scoundrels of Skullport )