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 Ä«ÅºÀÇ °³Ã´ÀÚ   ( The Settlers of Catan )   9.60
 Ä«ÅºÀÇ °³Ã´ÀÚ: 5~6 Àοë È®Àå   ( The Settlers of Catan: 5-6 Player Extension )  
 ¾²·ç µð ¿¡ÀÌÁö½º   ( Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization )  
 È²È¥ÀÇ ÅõÀï   ( Twilight Struggle )  
 ÃÍŲ: ¸¶¾ßÀÇ ´Þ·Â   ( Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar )  
 ¹ÝÁö ÀüÀï: Á¦ 3½Ã´ë ÀüÅõ   ( War of the Ring: Battles of the Third Age )  
 ¹ÝÁö ÀüÀï: °¡¿îµ¥¶¥ÀÇ ±ºÁÖµé   ( War of the Ring: Lords of Middle-Earth )  
 ¹ÝÁö ÀüÀï (2ÆÇ)   ( War of the Ring: Second Edition )   10.00
 Àå±â   ( Xiangqi )   9.40
 Á»ºñ»çÀ̵å: Èæ»çº´   ( Zombicide: Black Plague )  
 Á»ºñ Ÿ¿ö 3D   ( Zombie Tower 3D )