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ÆнºÆÄÀδõ ¾îµåº¥Ã³ Ä«µå °ÔÀÓ: Ŭ·¡½º µ¦ - ¹Ùµå   ( Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Class Deck – Bard )  
ÆнºÆÄÀδõ ¾îµåº¥Ã³ Ä«µå °ÔÀÓ: Ŭ·¡½º µ¦ - ·Î±×   ( Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Class Deck – Rogue )  
ÆнºÆÄÀδõ ¾îµåº¥Ã³ Ä«µå °ÔÀÓ: Ŭ·¡½º µ¦ - ¼Ò¼­·¯   ( Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Class Deck – Sorcerer )  
ÆнºÆÄÀδõ ¾îµåº¥Ã³ Ä«µå °ÔÀÓ: Ŭ·¡½º µ¦ - À§ÀÚµå   ( Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Class Deck – Wizard )  
ÆÒµ¥¹Í ·¹°Å½Ã: ½ÃÁð 1   ( Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 )  
ÆÒµ¥¹Í ·¹°Å½Ã: ½ÃÁð 2   ( Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 )  
Ææ¼­ÄÝ¶ó   ( Pensacola )  
Æ÷ ´õ ÇÇÇà   ( For the People )  
Æ÷ºñµç µ¥ÀúÆ®   ( Forbidden Desert )  
Ǫ¿¡¸£Å丮ÄÚ 2011   ( Puerto Rico )  
ÇÁ¸®ÅÍ: ·Î¸¶ ÁýÁ¤°ü   ( Praetor )  
Ç÷¡´Ö ½ºÆÀ   ( Planet Steam )  
Ç÷¹ÀÎÁî¿öÄ¿ Åõ±âÀå   ( Arena of the Planeswalkers )  
Çѱ¹: ÀØÇôÁø ÀüÀï   ( Korea: The Forgotten War )  
ÇѴϹß: ·Î¸¶ vs. Ä«¸£Å¸°í   ( Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage )  
Çìºñ ½ºÆÀ   ( Heavy Steam )  
Çï·¹³×½º: Æç·ÎÆù³×¼Ò½º ÀüÀï   ( Hellenes: Campaigns of the Peloponnesian War )  
È£³Ý ¸®´õ: °øÁßÀÓ¹« ¼öÇàÀÚ   ( Hornet Leader: Carrier Air Operations )  
È£ºø: ¶æ¹ÛÀÇ ¿©Á¤ - ¿Ü·Î¿î »êÀ¸·ÎÀÇ ¿©Çà   ( The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - Journey to the Lonely Mountain Strategy Game )  
ȲȥÀÇ ÅõÀï   ( Twilight Struggle )