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2016-9-13 ¿ÀÀü 8:33
(¿ø¹® : http://bbs.ruliweb.com/news/board/1003/read/2108880?)
Shut up & Shit down À̶ó´Â °÷ÀÇ ±Û Áß¿¡(https://www.shutupandsitdown.com/games-news-120916/) ¶óÀ̾ù º¸µå °ÔÀÓ °ü·Ã »çÁø°ú ±ÛÀÌ ¿Ã¶ó¿Ô´Ù°¡ °©Àڱ⠻èÁ¦µÊ.
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µ¡ºÙ¿©, º¸µå °ÔÀÓÀÇ À̸§Àº "Mechs Vs. Minions"¶ó°í ÇѴٳ׿ä. ¹æ½ÄÀº Çùµ¿ Ä·ÆäÀÎ °ÔÀÓ(co-operative campaign game), °ÔÀÓ ÀοøÀº ÃÖ´ë 4ÀÎÀ̸ç, ¹ÚÁ¦µÈ ±Û¿¡ µû¸£¸é °¡°ÝÀº ¾à $80ÂëÀ̶ó°íÇÔ.
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Our top story today is that Riot Games, the preposterously large and successful video game developer that makes League of Legends, has unveiled a board game set in the world of LoL. It’s called Mechs Vs. Minions, it’s shipping to customers in just a couple of months and it’s the most exciting release of 2016 that nobody knew about. 
Mechs Vs. Minions is a co-operative campaign game where up to 4 players each program robots that then go stomping, blasting and carving their way through a crowd of tiny warriors trying to kill you. If I’m being flattering, it’s Robo Rally meets Descent, with a few fun Legacy-style surprises as you advance through each of the campaign’s missions. And look at it! This box as opulent as the world’s most ridiculous Kickstarters, with pre-painted miniatures, metal cogs and the most impressive inlay ever made.
In terms of what you get in the box Mechs Vs. Minions is a strong contender for the most lavish board game ever made (wait until you see the inlay), but it’s also the best value for money I’ve ever seen. At around $80, the retail price is literally 50% of what I’d expect another publisher to charge.
In other words, you’re going to be hearing a lot about this game.
…But! You won’t be hearing about it on this site. At least not from me, because the second thing you need to know is that I did some design consultancy on this game. So as interesting and generous as Mechs Vs. Minions is, it’s also represents a giant conflict of interest that we can’t go near.
So definitely do check out some other reviews of it. You just won’t be getting that review on SU&SD.
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