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2016-4-26 ¿ÀÀü 4:39
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Posted by Steamforged Games Ltd (Creator)

Hi Unkindled,

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So while we wait for the exploration gameplay video to be approved, we thought it’d be fun to take you through how this side of Dark Souls™ - The Board Game works.

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Featuring a “fast setup, long reveal” mechanic, the game gets you into the action faster and builds the locations out as you explore. The set-up is minimal, mainly just building a couple of decks of cards and laying the first tile down.


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There’s a number of ways to play Dark Souls™ – The Board Game, but the standard way is to choose the main-Boss you want to take on and then select a mini-Boss from those you have available. More details on this in the full rules of course, but let’s just assume you have selected the Dancer and the Titanite Demon for this game.

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The decks you pull together are; a number of Boss Behaviour decks, a single Treasure deck and an Encounter deck per Boss. Let’s look at these in a little more detail:


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1. º¸½º Çൿ µ¦µé

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3. º¸½º º° Á¶¿ì µ¦


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Boss Behaviour deck is the way the boss is controlled by the game…samples of how this works is in the current gameplay video on the main project page. Each Boss has a number unique Boss Behaviour cards; to build a deck simply deal face-down a number of cards as determined by the difficulty level of the game session. For a standard game you will face a mini-Boss and a main-Boss…if you have a mega-Boss Add-on you can extend your game even further to include this as an extra challenge or just make this the main-Boss!


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The Treasure deck is pretty straightforward, it includes a number of standard Treasure cards, a number of ‘rare’ cards such as armour sets / weapons etc. and any Boss-specific treasures. Shuffle this deck and you are good to go!


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The Encounter deck is as easy to put together. You will need an Encounter deck for each ‘boss’ you are facing…so in our standard game example, there will be a deck for the Titanite Demon (the mini-Boss) and the Dancer (the main-Boss). Each deck is made up of the Boss card and 5x Encounter cards randomly dealt (facedown), each deck is shuffled before being ready to go. Note that there are two types of Encounter card, the easier encounters are used in the mini-Boss Encounter deck while the harder encounters are used for the main-Boss Encounter deck. This means the game scales in difficulty so the further you progress, the harder it gets!



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Phew! Lots of words but it should only take you a couple of minutes to pull these various decks together. Final step is to gather the location tiles for the area you want to explore. Place the bonfire tile down on the table and shuffle the rest…you are now ready to play. Movement during exploration is tile-based, when you meet a bad guy you switch to combat-based movement which uses the nodes shown on the tiles.


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To explore, choose an unexplored exit from the current tile you are on and flip a location tile from the pile. Place this tile exit-to-exit with the current tile and move your models onto the first node. Now flip the top card from the relevant Encounter deck, so in our example this will be the Encounter deck for the Titanite Demon mini-Boss. Each Encounter card contains the following information: DESCRIPTION, ENEMY, EVENT and REWARD.


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The DESCRIPTION fills some flavour into the world and conjures images in your mind of the dark and dangerous locations you are exploring. The ENEMY details what enemies are spawned in this location. The EVENT describes any special circumstances for this location such as an area littered with barrels (which block nodes) or traps. Finally, the REWARD describes what the players receive should they defeat the enemies and survive.


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Rewards allow players to draw from the Treasure deck, while defeated enemies will release souls to collect. Players can return to the bonfire at any time during the Exploration phase (i.e. once all enemies are dead) to spend their Souls to level up and purchase equipment. Of course, doing so will reset the encounters you have discovered so far so be careful how often you do this…

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Continue to explore tiles, lay them out and build the location as you search for the mini-Boss to test your skills against them. Eventually you will discover the lair of the Titanite Demon, at which point you take a mini-Boss tile and place it down exit-to-exit and the door slams shut! Fight or die…or both!


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If you have carefully explored and have levelled up and bought equipment wisely, with skill you should be able to defeat the mini-Boss. At this point the exit from mini-Boss area opens up…

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Now gather all the tiles currently laid-out, shuffle them and then flip them over. Place the bonfire tile down exit-to-exit with the mini-Boss tile. Now you are ready to find the main Boss…don’t forget, the encounters are now much more dangerous but the rewards are far greater.


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Continue exploring as before…gather resources, find armour and weapons before facing the Dancer in a fight to the death.

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There’s a bunch of other nuances that add details to the game that you will find in the main rulebook…for example, things like Gravestones which allow you to reveal a Boss Behaviour card to give you forewarning of what the Boss will do which will allow you to prepare accordingly. And there are the Invaders…

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Praise the Sun \[T]/

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