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2016-2-10 ¿ÀÀü 3:16
 Hi everyone!

This week is our monthly GMT Customer E-Mail Update, so I wanted to get all you backers an update on KS project status in advance of our general update.

1. First off, regarding shipping status: 

  • We have now finished shipping all of the Collector's Editions. We shipped the last two bulk packages to Europe last week - to freight forwarders in the UK and mainland Europe to try and save you guys on customs fees.
  • For those of you awaiting the extra card decks, we shipped those late last week.
  • The only physical rewards that I know of that we haven't yet shipped is a small number of T-shirt-only orders. We should have those out this week.

2. The next item is questions about errors in the Collector's edition. The only things I have details on right now are the tank guns and the cards.

  • On the tank guns, we're hearing that some have broken in shipment but are easily fixed with krazy glue. I'd recommend that you do that, although if you want us to try and ship you a replacement, we can try that route. The thing is, I know those guns were intact when we shipped them (we checked every box) so it's clear that they just didn't survive the shipping process. I don't know that replacements we'd send would fare any better, which is why I think the glue solution is a good one here. But again, if you really want a replacement instead of just glueing it, feel free to let the office ladies know and we'll send you one as long as we have any in stock.
  • Regarding the card errors in the CE (and the stand-alone add-on deck). We have identified 5 cards with errors. We will absolutely fix those. I've passed the details of what to fix to our art and production team but I don't have word back from them yet on exactly when we anticipate receiving the shipment of replacement cards. As soon as I know, I'll post here. But don't worry - we will replace the cards.

3. Last thing is just a note - some good news - about the Digital Edition. I can't say what's going on with other Playdek products, but I do know that I just spoke with them today, and they are moving full speed ahead on Twilight Struggle. I'll leave details for them to share in their next Digital update, but I know that they have made a ton of progress since the last update and that a new major build is pending. 

Thanks, as always, for your patience and support! More as we know it.

Enjoy the games!



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