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CZECH contest¿¡¼­ Á¤´ä ¸ÂÃß°í ¼±¹° ¹Þ¾Æ°¡¼¼¿ä...

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2016-12-20 ¿ÀÀü 2:18
IP: 124.49.***.***
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Q1: My body is thin. My face is a riddle. You hint at my secret, but your foe already knows. Who am I?
 A) An astronaut from Galaxy Trucker
 B) An imp from Dungeon Petz
 C) A card from Codenames: Pictures
 D) The box top from The Prodigals Club
 E) Napoleon from Through the Ages
Q2: The judge sits on a throne of plastic and glass. If you would seek his counsel, you must bring humble offerings. What is it?
 A) The Dungeon Lord
 B) Your partner in Goblins Inc.
 C) The board from Adrenaline
 D) The unique game mechanic from Tzolk"in: the Mayan Calendar
 E) The smartphone app for Alchemists
Q3: We fight, though we have no bones. We are wounded and we rejoice! We die, yet we live again, beings of light now given flesh. Who are we?
 A) Minions in Dungeon Lords
 B) Combatants in Adrenaline
 C) Planets in Galaxy Trucker
 D) Erasable markers in Pictomania
 E) Hunters in Bunny Bunny Moose Moose
Q4: My back has a three insects tattoo. My cousin"s red back is hot, too. Who am I?
 A) Demon of Sloth from Tash-Kalar: Nethervoid
 B) Bouncer figure from Prodigals Club
 C) Piggy pet from Dungeon Petz: Dark Alleys
 D) Box of Codenames: Pictures
 E) Llama illustrations from Bunny Bunny Moose Moose: Llama Llama
Q5: Listen: do you hear someone? "Tis the hunter with his gun! What do I serve for?
 A) Gathering food in Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization
 B) Harpoon the enemy robot in Goblins, Inc.
 C) Timing in Bunny Bunny Moose Moose
 D) Killing another character from behind in Adrenaline
 E) Suddenly ending a game of Codenames

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